(Formerly called “Proud to be Plastic Free”)
See the information below, and if you are a business owner in Newport (or indeed anywhere on the Island) and would like to take part, please download and complete the questionnaire below, and return it to mail@love-running.com (or drop it into the shop!)
Plastic Free Campaign
Created by Love Running & supported by Dragonfly
In association with Green Impact, and the Surfers Against Sewage “Plastic Free Communities” campaign, we are urging fellow businesses to join us in helping to make our Island plastic-free

The Listing features those who have ended plastic usage on site as much as possible, plus those currently taking steps to reduce plastic waste and non-recyclables on their premises.
The listing is designed to raise the profile of this issue – which is now at crisis point – and encourage more retailers to think about their choices and the power they actually have to make changes. It also enables consumers make the environmentally-friendly choice of supporting those businesses who care and are trying to make a difference.
The questionnaire relating to plastic-use was devised by Jo at Love Running and issued first to NBA members, from whose responses the list started to take shape. The questionnaire is now being delivered to non-member businesses across Newport and the Island. The current list can be found on the next page and is regularly being updated, and the questionnaire is here:
To be considered for the free listing please download and complete the questionnaire above, and tell us about your business and what you are doing to stand up for Planet Earth and make a difference.
I just want to stress that the questionnaire is NOT judging you, your suppliers, your products, or anything out of your control. We simply want to highlight what YOU – as a business – are trying to do to make things more environmentally-friendly at work, and what challenges you face in doing so.
The questionnaire is very basic with just 5 easy questions and a section regarding the challenges you face, and we would love to hear from you (even if you do not yet consider yourself plastic-free!).
How did the Plastic Free Campaign come about?
In March 2019 we (Love Running) were proud to achieve Silver Award Status by #GreenImpact , for the information we provided – and changes we implemented in our business – in line with the Green Impact philosophy. In the Autumn that year we were very proud to achieve GOLD status!
We were already basically “plastic-free”, having ditched plastic bags in favour of paper many years ago, and not using any plastic utensils on site, but we are now delighted to be operating in accordance with the Green Impact concepts on sustainability, environmentally-friendly operating and social responsibility. More about this is detailed in our listing on the next page.
In January 2019 we were thrilled when the national environmental body Surfers Against Sewage also gave us “Plastic-Free Approved Status“, meaning we can now call ourselves “Plastic Free Champions”! This really fired us into doing something more pro-active locally to help support the ideas and philosophies of the above groups to reduce single-use plastic waste, and encourage environmentally-friendly and sustainable alternatives, and we came up with the idea of creating a “Plastic Free Campaign” and free business listing. Here it is!